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PAP Supply Reorder

As a CPAP or BiPap user, supply replacement is very important to help maintain your comfort and compliance. Did you know that approximately 2.6 million warm, moist breaths pass through your tubing and mask each year? Even with proper cleaning, facial oils can impact your mask's seal over time. Filters lose their effectiveness and tubing can be damaged or accumulate harmful bacteria.

Changing your supplies regularly will not only help minimize risk of infection, but keep your mask fitting comfortably without leaks and your therapy device functioning well.

Most insurance plans will reimburse your Homecare Provider for the regular replacement of these items. Check with your health plan for individual reimbursement guidelines.

* indicates a required field.



If yes, you may not be eligible for supplies per your insurance companies guidelines

Most insurances allow the replacement of a mask every 3 months

Most insurances allow the replacement of cushions every 3 months

Most insurance companies allow replacement every 6 months

Most insurances allow replacement every 6 months

Most insurances allow replacement every 3 months


Most insurance allow replacement every 6 months


Your order will be processed and shipped to your home. Our representative will contact you if you do not qualify for supplies per your insurance guidelines.

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